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Presentation: „A History of Austrian Computer Games“

The project "A History of Austrian Computer Games" pursues the objective of collecting and safekeeping games and making them accessible to the public.

Video games are not only one of the most modern forms of art and entertainment, but also one of the most fast-paced. In Austria, the video game boom did not start until twenty-five years ago, but still a great deal of information has been lost. The project A History of Austrian Computer Games pursues the objective of collecting and safekeeping games and making them accessible to the public.
Sebastian Esberger carried out this project, with the help of Prof. Michael Wimmer and Martin Filipp (Mi’pu’mi Games), as part of his bachelor’s thesis at Vienna University of Technology. He will be discuss the processes and planning effort involved, share his experiences in dealing with Austrian game history, and release the results of the project.

Playful Solutions GmbH

Our goals, our projects and our visions change over time, either driven by our decisions or by others. Many of these changes are too important to apply the same old solutions to a new challenge– we get stuck, or we simply don’t get the impact we want. At Playful Solutions we have the creative tools and methods for you to take on your challenges in a new and inspiring way! Our solutions use playful and targeted approaches to concept design, process support and product development. By combining groundbreaking game design techniques and coaching methods with an entrepreneurial mindset we deliver custom-made playful solutions! Our own purpose: to fuel the innovative resources of organizations and to co-create playful solutions that matter.

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