We´re working on the next level of PLAY AUSTRIA! Watch this space!


The game rebuilders for Android and iOS deals with a mix of aspects from the genres multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), basebuilder, and tower defense. The player recruits crew members for vehicles that can be freely contrived and rigged up, which are then used to compete with and against each other. The story of rebuilders is set in a world succumbing to climate change, where the inhabitants of the planet come together to fight for the sustainable rebuilding of civilization.

Sproing Interactive Media GmbH

Sproing is Austria’s leading developer of computer and video games, and since 2014 also a game publisher. As one of the few independent studios, Sproing focuses on the development of multiplatform games and has completed, since 2001, more than sixty games for various platforms. Building on this experience, in the year 2010 the company started moving up to become one of the biggest players in free-to-play games. Current project include: Panzer Tactics HD, Asterix and Friends, Quarantine, and Nonstop Chuck Norris.

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