We´re working on the next level of PLAY AUSTRIA! Watch this space!


Tremendous Interactive Media (T.I.M.) has been working on their first game –Zeronov, a 2D puzzle platformer for Android smartphones – for about a year now. The objective of the game is to break into a deserted building with the help of a drone in order to obtain information about aliens that has been kept top secret by the government.

Donau-Universität Krems

The Center for Applied Game Studies is concerned with issues related to the transfer of current research results in the field of interactive visual media to professional practice. Special consideration is given to applications in media and game design as well as education and training. The range of courses includes the master’s programmes Game Studies, Transmedia Design & Gamification, Action-Oriented Media Education, MediaGameEducation, and Game Based Media & Education. Furthermore, the Center boasts an extensive research and development branch.

Zum Ausstellerprofil
