We´re working on the next level of PLAY AUSTRIA! Watch this space!

Phombie Flow

Stefan Grassberger & 86/60 are presenting their first game, Phombie Flow, where the handling of digital information is put to the test. Players are confronted with incoming messages and must discern and process everything relevant to work, while weeding out anything private and spam. If this is not accomplished quickly enough, the stress level rises to the point of digital overload.

Broken Rules

Since 2009, Broken Rules has been developing unusual computer games which captivate with their unique artistic style and with themes that go far beyond common game clichés. In the current project Old Man’s Journey, for example, players experience the moving life story of an elderly man. The team working with Felix Bohatsch, Clemens Scott, Jan Hackl, Peter Vorlaufer, and Martin Pichlmair has won many international prizes with its games, which have been released on iOS, PC, Nintendo, and Android platforms.

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